Todos en algún momento somos tentados - Everyone is tempted at some point

“Por tanto, someteos a Dios. Resistid, pues, al diablo y huirá de vosotros”.
Todos en algún momento somos tentados. Lo importante es no ceder a la tentación y para ello nos refugiamos en el poder de Dios y la fortaleza que el Espíritu Santo nos da.
Al someternos a Dios, aparte de estar haciendo su voluntad, le estamos presentando al diablo y al pecado una barrera infranqueable y huirá de nosotros.
Aunque siempre debemos estar atentos y vigilantes porque su intención es volver una y otra vez a tentarnos en lo que son nuestras debilidades, a fin de que caigamos. Él conoce muy bien cuáles son nuestros puntos débiles.
Resistamos en constante oración y sometámonos a Dios hasta que por Su poder, la tentación sea vencida.
Everyone is tempted at some point

Based on: James 4: 7
“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. "
All at some time we are tempted. The important thing is not to give in to temptation and for that we take refuge in the power of God and the strength that the Holy Spirit gives us.
By submitting to God, apart from doing his will, we are presenting the devil and sin with an insurmountable barrier and will flee from us.
Although we must always be vigilant and alert because his intention is to return again and again to tempt us in what are our weaknesses, so that we may fall. He knows very well what our weaknesses are.
Resist in constant prayer and submit to God until by His power, the temptation is overcome.